Parent Teacher Group

  • The Granby PTG is dedicated to enhancing the education of our children by fostering relationships among the school, parents, teachers, and administration; and supporting the education and extracurricular activities of the students at Granby Elementary School. Not only does your free membership put you in direct communication with other parents and teachers, it shows your child that you are interested and invested in their educational experience. Research has proven that parental involvement within the child’s school increases academic achievements and decreases behavior issues. Also, the PTG does so much to make the child’s school experience better.

    The PTG is involved in, and supports, many of the activities held every year at Granby, such as the Mother and Fathers’ Day Socials, Open House, fall, winter, and spring book fairs, Family Craft Night, Family Movie Night, and Grandparent Bingo, as well as many other events at Granby and in our community. Our PTG provides volunteers for the school and financially supports programs for students; field trips; classroom materials; student recognition; and more. The PTG, very proudly, completed the fundraising and building of the new playground in June 2011, which they then donated to the school. This was a great accomplishment and truly took a team effort. It is this kind of teamwork that can help strengthen our group and make it possible for us to continue to be an important part of the education of our children.

    We are a group of parents, teachers, and staff, working together to ensure that our children’s education is the best it can be. Any teacher at Granby, and any parent or guardian of a Granby student, is a member and we encourage all families to join us! We hope you will help us and become an active participant in your child’s education, and we look forward to meeting you!

    Meetings are generally held the second Tuesday of the month at 5:00 PM in the Media Center. The school website will announce any changes to our scheduled meeting. If you are unable to attend our regular meetings there are many ways other ways you can participate. Please contact us via our website, email us at or leave a message for a PTG board member at the school, (315) 593-5480.

    Come join us and become part of a great team! We would love to be able to do even more and with your help we can!

    Donna Goss
    PTG President

Meeting Minutes